Social Security is a program that
offers various monthly benefits to the person who have become disabled before
they reach the retirement age, and due to some or other circumstances, they are
not able to work. It is also said to be 'Workers' disability. In the United
States, the government has made compulsory, that all the employers and
employees must pay Social Security Taxes. The amount raised from Social
security tax benefits those, who have reached retirement age or termed as
Hiring efficient attorney to take
care of every essential at Social Security Office Marietta GA can be a
great help for getting best benefits for your disability or any other loss.
Let’s know some more about disability cases eligibility.
Who is Eligible for Social Security
Any person who has worked for some
particular years in a job where they have paid their Social Security taxes have
the benefit of attaining them. He must have earned a higher number of credits
to earn proper credits per year later on.
For gaining eligible for Social
security disability benefits, it depends upon your age and the period of
disability. Let's consider an example; if you are 50 years old at that time you
become disabled, you need to achieve 28 work credits or have at least worked
for seven years. For further information regarding the eligibility and how much
maximum you can meet, you need to consult an attorney. Social Security Office Covington GA staff members are highly experienced and enhance your
chances of success towards approval.
Social Security is crucial for senior
citizen financial wellbeing; it is a smart way to track your income previously
and know the expected social security benefit. Social Security Office Marietta GA focuses on clients and provides tips to boost their retirement
Medical Eligibility-
A person must meet the list of the
Social Security Disability list. It is eligible for those who have been
suffering from long term disability or total disability. You must have severe
condition and not able to perform essential work-related activities. Long term
disability defines that condition that is expected to last more than one year.
While total disability specifics that you are not able to perform a substantial
gainful activity for minimum one year. For further information, get in touch
with the Social Security Office Athens GA.
Who gets approval for Disability
Once you have approved with
disability benefits, you will not receive them till you have not been disabled
for a minimum of 5 full months. The minimum requirement for gaining benefits is
a five-month waiting period. Suppose you are approved instantly; you have to
wait for five months for your checks to start.
There is a possibility that your
family members may be approved for a partial monthly benefit. You can get
further information from an attorney; they will guide you through the
disability benefits of your dependents.
In case of Denial-
In case your application is denied,
you have a chance to appeal for it. You can claim for it within 60 days when
you receive the denial letter. The first step for an appealing process is a
Request for Reconsideration. In case you are denied again, then you have to
request for a hearing with administrative law judge.
To get the best benefits for your loss and to avoid any discomfort in this legal
process, feel free to connect with OBF legal, i.e. O'Brien & Feiler’s Georgia
disability and insurance lawyers. We will leave no stone unturned to help you
in the best possible way. After all, we are doing this for years.